[DIV32ANNOUNCE] Job Opening
- Tony Marsella sad news
- James Liu passed away in Bali, Indonesia, while engaging in water sports. Instagram version
- Narrative Matters 2025
Summer School "Cross-cultural explorations into the role of fate, destiny and predestination as agents for health and wellbeing" (Ghent University, 16-18 September, 2024)
- #1: The Evolved Nest Grows and Maintains our Humanity
- A new book on When the Gods Have Fled.;
- Please share Meetu Khosla’s good news
- Job Posting - California State University Sacramento
"Paper Son Soldiers" presented by the Angel Island Immigration Station and USS Hornet Museum
A certificate course on applied existential positive psychology and meaning therapy
Call for ‘Expert Opinion’ Articles for Mad in South Asia email, PDF version, Flyer
- Lotte Köhler Prize for Psychoanalytic Developmental, Cultural and Social Psychology;
- Lotte Köhler Prize poster
- Professor K.-K. Hwang passed away during sleep yesterday at age of 78
- Flyer with Coupon Code | Globalization, Displacement, and Psychiatry
- Call for nomination for the Michael Harris Bond Award
- An Invitation to celebrate Chinese New Year and Black History Month with TLOC and Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation
- Announcement for IP listserve
Reproductive Justice: Global and Psychological Perspectives
International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation (IPP)
- Ernst E. Boesch Prize 2023 / Call for nominations
- UNESCO survey on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions
- Two faculty positions at Duquesne University Department of Psychology:
1. Clinical Assistant Professor – Psychology Duquesne University Department of Psychology
2. Assistant Professor – Psychology Duquesne University Department of Psychology
- The Counseling Psychologist ---- Call for Proposals for a Special Issue
- Ukraine refugees / study_PDF
Email from Arnold Groh
- e-book on the Research Topic Filial Piety as a Universal Construct: From Cultural Norms to Psychological Motivations, free download
Hiring at Child Trends (experience working with Indigenous Populations in research)
Devastating News: Philip Cushman's Passin
DIV24] updated University of Dallas tenure-track psychology position Please share widely!!
Applications received by September 30, 2022 will be given highest priority.
- A job ad of potential interest to IP working group members
The Summer 2022 issue of Indigenous Policy is now available on the web
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Social and Cultural Psychology and Psychoanalysis;
The application deadline is AUGUST 15, 2022. A note Note from Pradeep Chakkarath
Call For Participation to participate the special issue: We are not WEIRD: Chinese Culture and Psychology
A new poetry book by Robert Maddox-Harle
2022 field training for research in indigenous settings.
Registration for this year's field training for research in indigenous settings is open until 13 June 2022. Details can be found at: English; German
Group for Muslim Counseling Doctoral Students
Forthcoming poetry book by Robert Maddox-Harle
Dignity Letter — May 2022 — Dignity in Times of Crises
- Visiting Assistant Professor Position in Human Development
New book: Restoring the Kinship Worldview
- Seeking 3 new postdocs at the University of Copenhagen.
- VANDA Call for PAPERS, Deadline June 1st, 2022
Special call for Southeast Asia Indigenous psychology by IPP (APA DIV52)
- Open Call for an Editorial Team to Manage 2023 Special Issue.
- Advancing Humanistic, Existential, and Transpersonal Psychology and Scholarship Conference
- Interested in recruiting speakers?
- The Winter 2022 issue of Indigenous Policy is now available on the web
- Job Offering: Associate Professor Dept of Comparative Human Development, University of Chicago
- SEAIP-2021 follow-up networking opportunities
Free copies available
- Job openning - Assistant Professor in Child and Adolescent Development
- White House Tribal Nations Summit
White House Tribal Nations Summit Agenda.pdf
- White House Tribal Nations Summit: Recordings
Call for submission: Frontiers in Psychology Research Topic - Mindfulness and Mental Health in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Free books on indigenous issues
--An Anatomy of the Practices of Silencing Indigenous Peoples (English | Spanish)
--Violence Against Indigenous Peoples in Brazil 2020 (Report in Portuguese | Summary in English)
- Indigenous Wisdom for Listening to Children and Families – Learning to Listen with Dr. Hinemoa Elder / Sabiduría indígena para escuchar a los niños y las familias
- A Free PDF book on indigenous self-determination: Chirif, A. (ed.) (2021). Towards the conquest of self-determination (English | Spanish)
- Looking for postdoctoral fellowship opportunities that are either related to or embrace anti-racism efforts in psychology.
- White House Statement on Indigenous Peoples' Day
Help with recruitment of participants
Lecture: Edward Slingerland on "Body and Mind in the Analects: Embodied Cognition, Digital Humanities, and the Project of Comparative Philosophy"
- Indigenous faculty appointment
- Job openings for Assistant Professor, Indigenous Studies in the Americas
- Announcement: Lotte Koehler Prize 2021
- A special invitation for The Wisdom of Trauma Movie Broadcast and Event
- Job openings for young psychologists: IIT Kanpur, India
- A Wonderful project needs a little help
Kirk Schneider for APA President
Mark Freeman Receives the Gittler Award
- Looking for a contributor to a book on “The Edge of Psychotherapy”
- Bridging India and Australia through poetry
Invitation to the First Southeast Asia Indigenous Psychology scientific meeting ONLINE *Dec 4-5, 2021*
Award for Cambridge Handbook of Intercultural Training, 4th Ed
- Join Dr. Judith Kuriansky and Daniel Jones, Editor, NYT “Modern Love” Column for Future of Love
- Another MBOI = May-Be-Of-Interest: Training the Next Generation of Indigenous Data Scientists - by THE NEW YORK TIMES
Mental health and filial piety in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic
- In memoriam: Haunani-Kay Trask, exemplary Native Hawaiian scholar
- One-year Fellowship: Call for applications
- Indigenous Systems of Relationality Talk Recording by Dr. Emma Elliott-Groves
- Field research training
- A Road Map to Resilience and Happiness in the Worst of Times | INPM’s Newsletter June 2021
- Call for papers: Special issue on Growing the Growth Mindset in Asian Societies Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology
- NSF Indigenous engagement position - Recruitment email for IPA position
- Science of the Soul
Call for awards nominations from the International Council of Psychologists (ICP)
- Links for call for awards nominations from the International Council of Psychologists (ICP)
- Emaile from Lara Sheehi about DO NOT HARM;
DO NOT HARM: statement from the UK-Palestine Mental Health Network
- https://www.sofia.edu/careers/.
- The Task Force for Diagnostic Alternatives released a new Open Letter regarding the reform and revision of diagnostic systems in the mental health field.
- Field research training with participation in UN session
- Call for applications for a postdoctoral position – MIGRADEMO project
- Psychology in Southeast Asia, available for pre-order
- Handbook of Intercultural Training, 4th Edition is now in production
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Shame
- The International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA) is seeking an Executive Director (deadline: January 10th 2020)
- New book: Transnational Social Mobilisation and Minority Rights: Identity, Advocacy and Norms (Routledge 2020), by Corinne Lennox, School of Advanced Study, University of London
- The magazine Transcontinental Human Trajectories (Trayectorias Humanas Transcontinentales) of the International Latin America, Africa, Caribbean Europe Network “Territories, Vulnerable Populations, Public Policies” from the University of Limoges (France) calls to participate as author for its 7th issue number of may 2020 with the theme.
- Scholarships etc.
- Info. indigenous peoples_studies (calls and grants list)
- Handbuk ng Sikolohiyang Pilipino (Handbook of Filipino Psychology) Bolyum 1&2 - Balita/Announcement
- 6 months Straniak Fellowship in 2020
- "Mother Teresa: The Saint and Her Nation" to be issued by Bloomsbury in 2020
- Madness and Subjectivity -- A Cross-Cultural Examination of Psychosis in the West and India. Book Flyer
Handbook of Filipino Psychology flyer
- Essay that was posted on Indigenous People's Day--to share
Job opening for someone who studies human development from varying research perspectives, including qualitative, indigenous psychology perspectives. Please consider circulating the advertisement with the list serve and/or other networks. Job announcement for Fall 2020 9.20.19
CAET Issue 5.1 is online
Eduardo Duran's new book, Healing the Soul Wound: Trauma-Informed Counseling for Indigenous Communities
- Mother Teresa's researcher honored:
Congratulations to Gezim Alpion for receiving the prestigious Albanian Nation’s award!
From Matters India
From Black Christian News Network One
From Assist News Services
- Arts and Trauma Project in Jordan
- Research Fellow Position: Indigenous Well-Being (Harvard Medical School)
- Call for Papers:
Theme: Spirituality and Culture Type: 3rd Global Interdisciplinary Conference Institution: Progressive Connexions Location: Lisbon (Portugal) Date: 4.–5.4.2020 Deadline: 8.11.2019
- [FQS] 20(3) Qualitative Content Analysis I
- Recommended: 12 Articles & Commentaries on Psychology & Human Rights (Special Journal Issue)
- A new Master of Arts program in Critical Psychology and Human Services at Prescott College
- Event Cancelled and to be Rescheduled: Catching Memory: Two Languages/One community at CCC 9/28 2-4 pm
Flyer of the Chinese translation of Emotion in Chinese Culture
- Catching Memory: Two Languages / One Community with Chun Yu and Michael Warr at the San Francisco Chinese Cultural Center 9/28 2-4pm, Free Public Event13
- Two new positions in cultural psychology
Conference and Journal Announcements:
Webinar for APA by Sayyed Mohsen Fatemi - Therapeutic and Clinical Implications of Hypnosis for the Treatment of Depression. Apr 11, 2025, 1:00 PM EDT NEW
New Depth Dialogues Podcast with Activist Attorney and Scholar Rhonda Magee, who describes deeply personal and innovative approaches to law, ethics, and social consciousness in her work.
Encyclopedia of theoretical and philosophical psychology ETPP
ETPP Remaining Entries
Chinese New Year and Black History Month Reading in Chinatown Feb. 15, 2025
Irvin Yalom Returns to Onlinevents! - Friday 7th February
Society for Qualitative Inquiry in Psychology Conference: Milwaukee , USA, July 18th & 19th, 2025
The Stuart John Saunders Lecturer 2025
Debut of the Corps of Depth Healers Website and Movement
2024 Mental health and meaning: a positive autoethnographic case study of Paul Wong
- Mad in South Asia Indigenous Healing Report
- A very warm welcome to our Annual Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, online and at Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City, Friday, December 6, 2024!
- [DIV32ANNOUNCE] Opportunity to Serve on the World Congress of Existnetial Therapy Organizing Committee
- [DIV32ANNOUNCE] An Experiential Democracy Dialogue on Two Views of Zionism
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7z37UkdA4Mg&t=2124
- Invitation to the Fourth Southeast Asian Indigenous Psychology (SEAIP-2024) Conferenc;SEAIP 2024 Flyer
- Call for papers for Dr. Sudhir Kakar Culture & Psychology
- [DIV32ANNOUNCE] Depth Dialogues You Tube Channel Now Live
- Call for Papers - 8th Annual RMHCPA Conference: "Experience, Story, & Trauma"
- [DIV24] Registration for 2024 London Psych & The Other!
Call for Papers -- International conference - Ming 命and perspectives from old(er) age (Ghent university, 16-18 December)
- Invitation to panel to discuss hemispheric frameworks for Native American and Indigenous Studies Friday, May 10 at 12:00pm (PST)
[DIV32ANNOUNCE] Presentation at William Alanson White Inst. on Life-Enhancing Anxiety
- [DIV32ANNOUNCE] FREE Harvard Virtual/In-Person Seminar: Indigenous Health with Professor Sandra Eades (April 25)
- Lectures on Mother Teresa ; Flyer
- [DIV32ANNOUNCE] Call for Papers for Special Issue
- Journal of Indigenous Counseling Psychology has officially launched a bilingual full-text version in Chinese and English.
[DIV32ANNOUNCE] Indigenous Research Methodologies: APA Science Training Session Recording Available
Humanistic Transpersonal Conference: March 28-30, 2024, Costa Mesa, CA
- [DIV24] Psychology and the Other Conference (London): Call for Proposals
- World Indigenous Suicide Prevention Conference - Stateside this year.
- ISTP Conference 2024, final call for papers, deadline December 1st.
- Invitation to speak at a conference on Indian Psychology and Mental Health | Flyer
- Watershed Environmental Poetry Festival this Saturday 10/14 (12 noon to 4:30 pm), at Martin Luther King, Jr. Civic Center Park • Berkeley | poster
- Federal Policy to Advance Racial, Ethnic, and Tribal Health Equity
- 7th Annual RMHCPA Conference - In Person & Virtual - Register Now!
- Session on The Polarized Mind: Psychospiritual and Multicultural Perspectives @ APA Convention
Invitation to the Third Southeast Asian Indigenous Psychology (SEAIP-2023) Conference ; Poster
Call for papers - contributions of psychological science to understanding and addressing global challenges
- Call for Papers: New Horizons of Indigenous Social Sciences: From Asia to the World, 3th November (Friday) – 5th November (Sunday), 2023 in Taiwan
- International conference in Vietnam co-organized by AASP and VAP
- IAPIS Lesture
- SNOWFLAKE2023 Wed March 22 Noon Eastern Time
- SNOWFLAKE23 next session next wed.
- The inaugural talk from Confronting Coloniality in Indian Psychology
1) SuneetVarma
2) SuneetVarma-Email
3) ColonialityIntroTalk-2023-2-5
- "Psychology and the Other Conference" Call for Proposals (March 17th Deadline)
Email from David M. Goodman
- Pluralistic Societies Conference - University of Copenhagen
- Call for Papers : Practicing decolonial and liberation psychologies
- [DIV24] Eminent Psychiatrist Laurence Kirmayer to Deliver DIV24 Address at APA 2023!
- The Newsletter of the Asian Association of Social Psychology -November 2022
- [DIV1STUDENT] Call for Proposals: Division 1
- Call for Proposals --- Reproduction Justice: Global and Psychological Perspective
- [DIV24] Spring Meeting Call for Proposals Reminder!
- [DIV24] Explore the concept and challenges of Ars Vitae, the art of living, with Elisabeth Lasch-Quinn
- Sixth Annual Rocky Mountain Humanistic Counseling & Psychological Association Conference
- Flyer for Call for Proposals (Division 24): Submission Deadline November 15, 2022
- SEAIP-2022: Invitation Extension to AASP
- RMHCPA Partner Event: Becoming Anti-Racist
- Sixth Annual RMHCPA Conference -- Sacred Rage: The New Humanistic Uprising Against Dehumanization
- Congratulations to our members who received awards from division 24 (theoretical and philosophic psychology) of APA
- Experiential Democracy Dialogue Presentation at APA Convention
- Special Issue of the Journal on Indigenous communities
- 2022 International Council of Psychologists annual conference - now accepting abstracts - deadline Aug 01
Div. 24 APA Program Summary
Indigenous Film Futures - VIRTUAL CONFERENCE
6th – 10th June 2022
By Anthropology, AI and the Future of Human Society
The Journal "Hau: Journal of Ethnographic Theory" Volume 12,Number 1|Spring 2022
- Mother Teresa lectures in the US - 25 April to 3 May
Posters and Book Cover
Info. on the US engagements
- Society for Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 2022 Midwinter Meeting, Extended Conversations
- Friday April 8 | Whitehouse Listening Session on Indigenous Traditional Ecological Knowledge
White House-ITEK-Memo_2021-11-15
White House-Press Release_2021-11-15
- SNOWFLAKE2022 Virtual on Phenomenology
- [DIV24] Announcing APA 2022 Travel Grants
- Application Form
- Division32 Society for Humanistic Psychology Conference
- [DIV1ANNOUNCE] Division 1 Solidarity with Ukraine
- The Call for Sessions/Workshops (deadline March 1st) for the 3rd Vienna Anthropology Days aka VANDA 2022 Conference (September 26 - 30, 2022)
- Now Published! Volume 10 No 1 of International Journal of Existential Positive Psychology [IJEPP Alerts]
- Beyond Free Will conference - June 20-23, 2022 | Vilnius, Lithuania
- The Experiential Democracy Dialogue with the Harvard Alumni for Mental Health on Thursday, January 13th at 7pm Eastern (4pm Pacific).
The link to register: shorturl.at/motT6.
- SNOWFLAKE2021 Next session invitation Dec 9
- RMHCPA Conference Presenters
- November 4th Indigenous Stories of Strength Virtual Event
- APA Apologizes for Contributions to Systemic Racism
- Fifth Annual RMHCPA Conference: Cultural Humanistic Psychologies
- RAI conference 2022
- 2022 Society for Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology Midwinter Meeting Call for Proposals
- ISTP Conference - Extended Deadline for Proposals to Nov. 1st, 2021
- My upcoming symposium and address to The Parliament of World Religions, Oct. 18. Flyer
- SNOWFLAKE2021 7 Oct 2021
- WEBINAR OPP | Activating the WE-Making Framework | Oct. 5th @ 2pm EST/11am PST
- APA Sympposium 212: International Research on Creativity and the Arts During the COVID-19 Pendemic
- Invitation to the First Southeast Asia Indigenous Psychology scientific meeting ONLINE *Dec 4-5, 2021*
- Information on my 2021 APA Presidential Campaign-Voting Starts Sept. 15
[DIV24] Invitation: Psychology and the Other Conference 2021
Web site
- International Council of Psychologists 2021 conference Oct 22-24
- APA Symposium: "Exploring everyday creativity and promoting well-being: Professionally and personally"
- APA Symposium: Towards a Border-crossing Model of Culture: Insights from Indigenous Psychology (Session ID: 501)
- APA’s virtual conference this year
- Link to the talk: Indigenous Healing Methods and Well Being
- Webinar on "Indigenous Healing Methods and Wellbeing" by Meetu Khosla
- Conference: "Beyond Free Will: Variety in Understanding of Choice, Luck, and Necessity" - 20-23 June 2022 (Vilnius)
- Presentation at the APA virtual Annual Convention of 2021
- [DIV24] ISTP 2022 Conference , Letter to ISTP members and friends
- AJSP Editors Podcast: Episode 2
- IP--SNOWFLAKE2021 July 8 invitation Flyer
- Last Chance to Register: Indigenous Mental Health Research Workshop , PDF
- Free workshop on AI/AN data - applications due 6/30
Program Description
- GOOD NEWS! Early Bird sale and Conference Submission deadline extended to JUNE 30th. INPM's Virtual Meaning Conference | Aug 6-8 2021
- ESTSS 2021, June 17-18 | Abstract for the European Journal of Psychotraumatology | Flyer
- [DIV24] Mark Freeman: This Thursday's "Brutal and Beautiful: Narrating the Tragicomedy of Dementia"
- Political Psychology Special Issue on “Populism and Global Crises” Call for Abstracts
- You’re invited | Frontiers Forum | Healing the world’s cities with Kongjian Yu
- [DIV45ANN] Call for papers on Indigenous knowledge systems in mental health - submission deadline is 31st July 2021
- Resilience and Awe Symposium. PDF
- Second event tomorrow April 28.
Reminder ON INDIGENOUS HEALING WAYS - Free registration link updated - PFII Side event April 29, 2021
- Call for input regarding the International Decade of Indigenous Languages by 15 May 2021.
- 11th Biennial International Meaning Conference CALL FOR PAPERS and Graduate Student Scholarship Opportunities
- [DIV10] Creativity Week 2021: Serendipity in the Creative Process
- CFP - Society for the Phenomenology of Religious Experience, 2021 Conference (Online), In the Shadows of Religious Experience: Hostility, Violence, Revenge | Oct 6-8 2021|
- Early Bird Registration on now! INPM's 11th Biennial International Meaning Conference | Aug 6-8 2021
- Soliciting papers for a special issue in Studies in History and Philosophy of Science on the topic “Pursuitworthiness in Scientific Inquiry”. The special issue will be co-edited by Dunja Šešelja (TU Eindhoven) and Jamie Shaw (University of Toronto). Deadline for submissions: May 1, 2021.
- CFP: In the Shadows of Religious Experience: Hostility, Violence, Revenge | Oct 6-8, online conference
- Culture, Health and Wellbeing International Conference (CHW21), 21-23 June 2021
- [DIV24] *PHE* Lecture Series: Right or Wrong? - Moral Psychology, Social Neuroscience, and Theory of Mind
- [DIV24] Free Conference on Decolonizing Psychology
- [DIV24] STPP Event w/ Basia Ellis on 3/30: The Psychology of Migrant "Illegality"
- Basia D. Ellis, Ph.D.
- [ikgf-news] International Conference (Zoom) "Fates of Dreaming. A Transcultural Workshop on Oneirology in History and in Practice (March 16-17)
- [COGDEVSOC] Review of Philosophy and Psychology Special Issue: Call for Papers on Cultural Variation in Cognition
- [DIV24] *PHE* Call for Proposals - Psychology and the Other Conference 2021
- Call for Submissions: Global & Culturally Diverse Leadership in the 21st Century
- [DIV24] *PHE* Lecture Series - "Racial Trauma: The Psych Consequences of Racism across the Lifespan"
- Conference - indigenous peoples and conservation
- Feb 26 | SoPheRE webinar | Conrad Martius
- [DIV24] Dr. Dionne Powell Speaks on Race and Psychoanalysis
- [DIV24] Psychological Humanities & Ethics - Two Upcoming Workshops for Psychological Humanities and Ethics below:
Lacan and Race with Derek Hook and Sheldon George (3 CE's for LMHC, APA)
Lived Depth in the Clinical Process with Jack Foehl (3 CE's for LMHC, APA)
- The Peace Psychologist, Fall/Winter 2020 | VOLUME 29, ISSUE 2. Email from Joseph Trimble
- Link to ReFrame2021 (Journal based in India) , Theme: "Beyond Clinical Contexts"
Email from Gitika Talwar
- Mother Teresa, Skanderbeg and the Jungian Process of Individuation
- Call for Proposals for APA's 2021 Convention (Aug. 12-15, 2021)
- APA2021 Individual Submission FORM
- [Division56] [Cogdop] Reviewer Zero
- Indigenous Ways of Working with Sacred Medicine October 24 from 10-12pm
Next SQIP Virtual Salon: Oct 23rd at 12PM EST
[DIV12ANN] Call for papers
ADTA: American Dance Therapy Association Virtual Conference flyer
Education for Benevolence -- online Zoom conference
Invitation: S.A.C.S. at e-conference, 7 Oct. 2020
Recent special journal issue on settler colonialism
Sept. 12 Webinar on Depolarizing Ourselves and Our Fellow Citizens
Call for papers: [PHILOS-L] CFP - APA Pacific: SoPheRE Panel “Sonic Aspects of Religious Experience: Phenomenological Investigations”
Registration and Program posted: (Ir)Rationality and Religiosity During Pandemics: Phenomenological Criticism
CAET 6.1 online (Covid-19 special issue)
Announcement of special issue on Feminism and Decolonizing Psychology
- THANK YOU AGAIN! And Two More Events to Wrap Up the Summer
- Kirk Schneider's APA President-Elect Platform Video
- [SFPA Listserv] MCPA CE Eventn - Saturday, Sept. 12 - The Art of Embodiment: Trauma, Resilience, and KinAesthetic Imagining
- Presentation at APA Virtual Convention
- [DIV56_COVID19_INTERDIVISIONALTF] Webinar - Consequences of a Crisis: Why it is even more evident that there can be no psychology without culture
- [DIV56_COVID19_INTERDIVISIONALTF] Free zoom conference--COVID-19, racism, police brutality, and telehealth
- New Meeting Host Procedures for CSC Starting July 27
- INVITATION - You're Invited to a Webinar: Coronavirus in Africa - Gender Disparities and its Impact for Women and Girls
Thursday July 23 noon
- Chun’s Greetings and Invitations to Events (Today-September)
- Dr. Paul Wong's free webinars on Growing through the pandemic. Register now!
- Welcome to the E-Conclave "On Humiliation To Dignity: Future of Global Solidarity" with Evelin Lindner on Sunday
- New Conflict Mediation Approach to Our Social Divides July 11th
- [Division56] Register for "Views on COVID-19 and Mental Health" Div 56 Webinar, Friday 06/26/2020
- Society for the Phenomenology of Religious Experience. Webinar Summer-Fall 2020
- [DIV24] Expanded opportunity to apply for the Student Paper Award
- Invitation to Webinar about Coping during COVID-19: Honouring Nepal and Support about Mental Health and Wellbeing, Saturday, June 13 10 am EST.
- CORONAVIRUS IN AFRICA - The Impact of the Lockdown on Food Security
When: Jun 4, 2020 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Coronavirus in Africa - The Impact of the lockdown on food security
Register in advance for this webinar
- Special Issue on “Creativity and Innovation in Times of Crisis (COVID-19)“ in Frontiers (publication fee waived :-)
- Free Webinar! Trauma-Informed Dance Movement Therapy: Syrian Refugees and China Hotline
2020 APA Student Paper Award
- Call for papers----CFO for a topical issue of Open Theology "Phenomenology of Religious Experience V: (Ir)Rationality and Religiosity During Pandemics“
May 20–30, 2020 at The American University of Paris.
This is a virtual conference. Participate from wherever you are. The deadline for submission is May 10, 2020.
Call for Submission #PGC2020
- Invitation to webinar on Africa and COVID-19: Racism and Human Rights. Join on Thursday April 30 at noon
- (Ir)Rationality and Religiosity During Pandemics: Phenomenological Criticism
Supplemental Research Webinar of the Society for the Phenomenology of Religious Experience
September 16-17, 2020
Hosted by the Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna, Austria
Submission requirement
- Rescheduled: Religious Experience and the Crisis of Secular Reason
- Recommended Pod Cast: MindBodyRadio by Ilene A. Serlin
- Wade E. Pickren1 and Thomas Teo (2020) A New Scholarly Imaginary* for General Psychology, Review of General Psychology 2020, Vol. 24(1) 3–5 © 2020 The Author(s) Article reuse guidelines: sagepub.com/journals-permissions DOI: 10.1177/1089268020901799 journals.sagepub.com/home/rgp
- Interviews with theoretical and philosophical psychologists abroad
- 39th Annual IHRSC Conference - Pace University. Flyer
- Catching Memory: Two Languages / One Community with Chun Yu and Michael Warr
Saturday, February 15, 2-4 PM,
at the Chinese Cultural Center of San Francisco.
Free public event with open mic.
- TQR 12th Annual Conference - Call for Submissions
- FQS 21(1) is available online current issue and former issues
- Religious Experience and the Crisis of Secular Reason
Society for the Phenomenology of Religious Experience — Second Plenary Congress
16-18 September 2020,
University of Vienna, Department of Philosophy,
Vienna, Austria
- Call For Proposals for Special Edition of JREP, web Link
- Call for EACS panel: “Doing Research on the History of Emotions in China”
- Theory & Psychology Call for Commentaries
- ENPA Conference – European Network for Psychological Anthropology (ENPA). The first Biennial Conference of the European Network for Psychological Anthropology (ENPA) 2-4 June 2020, in Helsinki Mind Embedded and Embodied – Futures of Psychological Anthropology. enpanthro.net
- Welcome to "Can We Teach Dignity?" event on Thursday, Dec 5, 5 – 7 pm, Columbia University, free, everyone is welcome
- CFP for Existential and Phenomenological Conference
- NFSI-19- Free Webinar on 'Why study Indic Perspective in Higher Education'
3 day International Conference brochure
2 day pre-conference workshop on Research
2 day Pre-conference workshop on Fundamentals of Qualitativer
- Conference on Palestinian Mental Health. Flyer
- InterPhil: CFP: Contributions to African Phenomenology Call for Papers
- Hwang, Kwang-Kuo (August, 2019) Culture-Inclusive Theories - An Epistemological Strategy, Cambridge University Press, ISBN:9781108759885, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108759885.
- Brenner, Michelle (September/October 2019) Listening Practice, Resurgence & Ecologist, Issue 316, p.21-24.
- APA 2020 convention proposal submissions and significant changes to APA convention programming
- Final Reminder: CFA Religious Experience and Description: early bird REGISTRATION is now OPEN
- Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Transpersonal Psycholoyg in The Humanistic Psychologist
- Welcome to the Dignity Conference in the Amazon of Brazil end of August
- Second Call for abstracts -International Conference -NFSI2019, at CVV, Kochi, Kerala
- DEADLINE EXTENDED: Religious Experience and Description, Valparaiso, Indiana , Oct 10-12 2019.
- Announce the publication of THE WILEY WORLD HANDBOOK OF EXISTENTIAL THERAPY (https://amzn.to/2TxnzVw) edited by Emmy van Deurzen (chief editor), Erik Craig, Alfried Langle, Kirk Schneider, Simon Du Plock, & Digby Tantum.
- 2020 Critical Psychology Conference in East Asia
February 29th and March 1st, 2020
Wako University in the City of Machida in Tokyo.
- [DIV24] Call for Contributions – International Studies Association Conference 2020 (Honolulu, Hawaii) Security and the Psy Sciences - a dangerous affair?
- SCRA Biennial Pre-conference workshop, entitled, Radical Being: Creating Communities of Resistance。June 25, 2019, Chicago. Flyer.
- Reminder: Call for Abstracts: “Religious Experience and Description". Second Regional Conference of the Society for the Phenomenology of Religious Experience
October 10-12, 2019 Valparaiso University, Indiana, USA
Conference is co-hosted by the Departments of Psychology, Philosophy, and Theology
Relevant programs at 128th APA Convention 2020, Washington DC: